Defiantly challenging the foundations of health and fitness
Nutritional Coaching
Romin C. - Thanks again for all of your help Kim! You made eating healthy so easy! The Shakeology has been a great addition to my diet. I already notice that I have more energy and I have even lost 4 pounds!
Maryann C. - Kim you are an inspiration to so many. Thank you for the advice you have given me, my skin has never looked better. I get up every morning and start my day with a healthy shake full of fruits and veggies and I feel years younger. My energy level is through the roof! Thank you!
Lydia S. - When I met Kim my LDL cholesterol was 167. I wasn't exercising and I certainly wasn't eating right. Kim came to my house for our first appointment and we talked about what I needed to do. She then went through my fridge, freezer and pantry and explained why most of my food wasn't the best choice. After cleaning out all the really bad stuff, we went to Publix and Whole Foods to buy the good stuff! Afterwards Kim took me through a few easy recipes of things I could cook for myself. We also made some food and stored it in the freezer so that when I was in a rush or didn't feel like cooking, I still ate well. Everything tasted great and it didn't feel like I was dieting.
A month after meeting with Kim I went back to my doctor and my LDL was 110! I couldn't believe it! My doctor even asked me what I was doing. I told him it was my new diet and that I had started walking 3x a week. I have so much energy and feel so much better! Since my first appointment with Kim in June, I've lost 8 lbs, and I wasn't even trying to lose weight. I just wanted to be healthier for my kids and not go on meds. Thank you Kim for making a huge difference in my life!
Erin B. - I did the three week Ultimate Reset/cleanse program. My intent was nothing more than to perhaps jump start the return to being healthy and fit, after a knee injury and unexplained weight gain. I chose a program because I need lot's of structure and guidelines (I often joke...although it's true..I need adult supervision! LOL!) So out with the alcohol (it hurt not enjoying wine), caffeine (gave up my 12 cup pot of strong black coffee a day...ugh), meat, dairy, sugar and flour. It was hard since I am a 'foodie' and oenophile. But I committed to it.
Last year I battled with health issues for six months: Sinus, allergies and asthma. Six months straight of antibiotics and visits to Ear Nose and Throat specialist, ophthalmologist and allergy specialists, immunology specialists, they even sent me to the University of Penn to check for MS. I had mass of infections in my face. All I was given was more antibiotics, inhalers, steroids, nasal sprays etc. to no avail. Three days into this cleanse; no sinus or allergies! No asthma or shortness of breath. GONE!!
I haven't taken meds in over 2 weeks. I have so much energy I am not winded at the gym and can workout non-stop without being tired and out of breath. And for the best part for the vanity side of me: New smaller jeans and I can shop in the juniors department!!! Hello!!! :) And yes I KNOW I am too old to shop in Forever 21.....for the person who 'caught' me in there Saturday! LOL! So much energy, zero allergy or asthma symptoms and the weight just keeps dropping of!! No bloating or puffiness!!! So seriously take a look into your diet and what you're putting in your body!! I was stunned to see MIRACULOUS results merely from eliminating things out of my diet!! (The wine is coming back though!) Thanks Kim!!!
Garrett G. - Kim, thank you again for your help! It has been a great improvement-- chicken, salmon, fish and veggies only! A mom at Hunter's game told me that Taylor even refused a donut-- which made me proud! : ) We are making a conscious effort to be a healthy family and we have you to thank!
Fitness Coaching
David C. - I had been going to the gym for at least 7 years and finally I realized that no matter what I did, I wasn't getting the results that I was looking for. At 40 yrs old, I was starting to think that this was the beginning stages of "hitting the wall" as they say. I was intrigued by the P90X commercials but a little skeptical as well. My wife mentioned that our neighbor Kim was a P90X coach, so I contacted her for some advice. Kim was awesome! She encouraged me to take the plunge. Kim was very helpful and enthusiastic when I joined her group. The Facebook group is great and helped me understand what I was getting myself into as well as keeping me on track and motivated. She helped me choose the proper equipment and nutritional supplements that would help me along the way. Kim is the kind of person who is motivating, yet not over the top. Definitely the type of person who likes to work hard and play hard, just like me. She made it easier for me to stay focused on my goals and have fun at the same time. I finished my first round of P90X in early April 2012 and I am close to finishing my second round. I was in pretty good shape when I started but nonetheless, I lost about 15 pounds and now I am at my high school weight! I feel much stronger and energetic and just good and comfortable in my own skin. Kim helped me along and continues to be an encouraging coach. Thanks Kim!!
Dan M. - You are an amazing coach! Thank you!!!! Thanks for everything. I am so happy for you that you are doing something you love. You are simply a blessing in my life!!!! God sent!!! Sometimes, I forget to tell you. But You really ROCK !!! Just wanted to let you know.. I don't need to blast it publicly .. Just want to let you know you're thought of and appreciated ... THANK YOU ... so very much.